Resources for University Departments
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Policy on use of the 91直播Flag Song
The copyright to the 91直播Flag Song is held by the University of 91直播Foundation. The University of 91直播Foundation is responsible to ensure that the song is used in a manner befitting its status as the state song of the State of Alaska, and to protect the song from illegal use and copyright infringement and to obtain sufficient remuneration of use of the song as befits any other investment asset of the Foundation.
For the full details on the policy on the use of the 91直播Flag Song, please click .
Licenses for use of the 91直播Flag Song will be issued under the following guidelines:
- Licenses will be non-exclusive and will be of the shortest duration possible to accommodate the intended use - but in no case longer than one year.
- Licenses may be issued for reasonable commercial uses.
- Licenses will be issued for public performances, recordings, and the creation of new renditions for such purposes subject to these guidelines.
- Licenses will not be issued for public performances, recordings or new renditions
which are:
- Satires, caricatures or humorous applications
- Obviously not in keeping with the stature of the Song as the official state song of the State of 91直播as determined by the 91直播Legislature.
- Licenses will be issued in accordance with the current fee structure which is substantially
as follows:
- Commercial use (recordings, publications or performances for profit or in connection with commercial or profit making activities - e.g. cassette tapes, CD鈥檚, in performances, publications of sheet music etc.) and use in connection with political campaigns and activities = $500
- Non profit uses (fundraising performances by non-profit groups, renditions by school bands etc.) = No Charge
- Unlicensed users of the song, when discovered, will be informed of this policy and the requirements for legal use outlined herein.
Any printed materials accompanying or created in conjunction with the uses stated above must carry an attribution to the University Foundation (copyright 1985, the University of 91直播Foundation, All Rights Reserved).
To request a license, please contact Be sure to specify what the license will be used for and if the license will be used for commercial or non profit use.
Rasmuson Proposals
As of January 2011, the UA Foundation is the exclusive access point to working with
the Rasmuson Foundation. This includes applying for all charitable gifts and grants.
This page has been created to assist faculty and staff in obtaining contributions
from the Rasmuson Foundation.
- What is the ?
- What are Rasmuson Foundation's
Applying for a Rasmuson Grant
All grant requests are now submitted electronically via the Rasmuson grant portal. All
requests must be submitted by UA Foundation.
Then, contact the UA Foundation at to begin the application process. In your email, please let us know if you are interested in applying for a Tier 1 or 2 grant.
Tier 1
Tier 2
A Tier 1 grant normally supports capital projects and technology upgrades for eligible 91直播organizations.
A Tier 2 grant normally supports large capital (building) projects, projects of demonstrable strategic importance or innovative nature that address issues of broad community or statewide significance.
Rasmuson Foundation must approve the idea of a Tier 2 request before it is submitted. A letter of inquiry must be written summarizing the details and need of the request. Please discuss your idea with a UA Foundation staff member before submitting a letter.
Request Amount:
No more than $25,000.
Over $25,000.
Applications are accepted on an ongoing basis, funding decisions are generally made within 90 days.
Submission Deadline:
Tier 2 Letters of Inquiry are accepted year round but are approved during the biannual
board meetings, which generally take place in July and early December.