National Compliance Week

National Compliance Week, an annual event November 4-8, provides a valuable opportunity to increase awareness among University of 91Ö±²¥employees regarding institutional compliance.

2024 National Compliance Week Activities

National Compliance Week activities:
Day Activity Documents | Downloads
Monday, November 4

Digital Scavenger Hunt
Put your compliance knowledge to the test for a chance to win a $20 Amazon gift card.

Share your thoughts on the UA Confidential Hotline
Complete a quick five-question survey about the UA Confidential Hotline.
This will help us ensure the hotline is as effective as possible. Watch your email for the survey link.

Scavenger Hunt List

Tuesday, November 5

Learn more about UA Confidential Hotline
Watch the most recent Compliance Chat featuring the UA Confidential Hotline

Supervisor Zoom
Learn more about compliance responsibilities

Join the Board of Regents’ Audit and Finance Committee meeting to hear an update on UA’s compliance efforts.  

Watch Compliance Chat

See email to supervisors

BOR Live

Wednesday, November 6 Compliance Tips and Best Practices
Downloadable infographic for quick reference
Download PDF
Thursday, November 7 Win with Compliance!
Nineteen have been released since December 2, 2022 .
and what topic you’d like to see in a future Chat for a chance to win a $20 Amazon gift card.
Friday, November 8 Select and contact winners of the Amazon gift cards!


REMEMBER: if anything comes to your attention that looks or feels suspicious, talk to your supervisor, and in the case of a possible crime, law enforcement. If you don’t feel comfortable going to your supervisor, utilize the confidential and anonymous UA Confidential Hotline to report.

For any additional information on Institutional Compliance, please reach out to Mary Gower at