Updates Made to UA’s Nondiscrimination Statements
February 21, 2025
The News: The University of 91ֱhas updated its as a result of recent federal direction.
- The changes clarify that our hiring, admission, and other practices have always been consistent with federal nondiscrimination policies and laws, and won’t result in any substantive changes to our practices or operations.
- We have adjusted all three of our nondiscrimination statements, and are working through adjustments to the short and full versions of the nondiscrimination statement. Regents Policy 04.02 and associated regulations will also be adjusted in the future.
Why It Matters: Websites, publications, and other university-generated materials that contain a microversion of the nondiscrimination statement should be updated to use the new version moving forward. Printed materials that contain the old statement may be used until they run out.
- The new micro statement reads: “The () is an Equal Opportunity/Equal Access Employer and Educational Institution. The University is committed to a () against individuals on the basis of any legally protected status.”
The Background: A recent federal executive order rescinded EO 11246 (Equal Employment Opportunity) from 1965. Among other things, the order required federal contractors to create affirmative action programs to promote equal employment opportunities.
- The federal executive actions do not repeal or remove the Equal Employment Opportunity Act of 1972, nor should they be confused with it. The 1972 Act is a federal law - amending the Civil Rights Act of 1964 - that prohibits employment discrimination and retaliation.
- Despite these changes, the university's hiring, admission, and other practices and policies have always been consistent with federal nondiscrimination policies and laws, and the university's commitment to nondiscrimination and merit-based hiring and other practices also remains unchanged.
What’s Next: As we receive more guidance from the federal government, we will notify you of future actions, but we’re starting with these for now.
- If you have questions, reach out to your office of equity and compliance, or visit .