Disclosure Options
Individuals who experience, or have knowledge about, incidents of sex and gender-based discrimination have multiple options of disclosure and control over when, where, how or even if to report.
Below you will find contact information for each of these options in your community:
Title IX Disclosure
Any student, university employee or third party may report sex or gender-based discrimination, including sexual harassment or sexual assault. At the University of 91ֱall staff, all faculty and Residence Life student employees are required to report incidents of sexual harassment and assault to their Title IX Coordinator within 24 hours. A Title IX response includes:
Title IX procedures are clearly outlined in policy and regulation. ( )
Supportive measures can be provided before or after the filing of a formal complaint or where no formal complaint has been filed and may include, but are not limited to: escorts, no contact orders, academic support and adjustments to classes, housing, and work environments. Supportive measures can be changed or adjusted at any time.
After a formal complaint has been filed any time prior to reaching a determination
regarding responsibility, the parties may decide to resolve a formal complaint through
informal resolution such as mediation, training, restorative justice, developmental
opportunities, and apologies.
Requests to engage in informal resolution may be made by either the complainant or
respondent or may be suggested by Title IX staff. Both parties must agree to informal
resolution in writing. If it becomes necessary to extend the process due to the parties’
use of informal resolution, both parties will be notified of a revised expected resolution
The university will take steps to respect the privacy of those involved. Absolute confidentiality may not be maintained in all circumstances, especially in cases where the university must take action to protect the safety of others. More details on confidentiality and privacy are available in University Policy 01.04.050.
Confidential Disclosure
If an individual experiencing sex or gender based discrimination does not want to engage
university Title IX or law enforcement processes, they can disclose to a confidential
In 91ֱonly those with a professional or clerical licensure can promise confidentiality,
such as a psychologist, a medical doctor, or a licensed counselor.
Toll free: 1-877-266-4357
Phone: 907-452-4357
Text "4help" to 839863 (in Fairbanks)
Toll free: 1-800-478-8999 (crisis line)
Phone: 907-276-7279 (Anchorage office)
Toll free: 1-800-799-SAFE (7233)
Toll free: 1-800-656-HOPE (4673)
Rasmuson Hall 116/120
3211 Providence Drive
Anchorage, AK 99508
Phone: 907-786-4040
Patricia Sandberg
Phone: 907-786-1795
Anchorage Military Centers
7179 Fighter Dr.
JBER, AK 99501
Phone: 907-551-2033
Richardson Drive, Bldg. 600, Room A130
JBER, AK 99505
Off-Campus Resources
Suzi Pearson
100 W. 13th Ave.
Anchorage, AK 99501
Office: 907-279-9581
Crisis: 907-272-0100
Weekday hours: 9 a.m.-5 p.m., Mon.-Fri.
Phone: 907-212-8544
After-hours pager: 907-212-6080
Amanda Price
1057 W. Fireweed, #230
Anchorage, AK 99503
Office: 907-276-7279
Crisis: 907-276-7273
Virginia Walsh
P.O. Box 69
Barrow, AK 99723
Office: 907-852-0261
Crisis: 800-478-0267 / 907-852-0267
Denise Tommy
P.O. Box 2029
Bethel, AK 99559
Office: 907-543-3444
Crisis: 800-478-7799 / 907-543-3456
Nicole Songer
P.O. Box 863
Cordova, AK 99574
Office: 907-424-5674
Crisis: 866-790-4357 / 907-424-4357
Marilyn Casteel
P.O. Box 94
Dillingham, AK 99576
Office: 907-842-2320
Crisis: 800-478-2316 / 907-842-2316
On campus
Resource and Advocacy Center
Room 130, Wood Center
24-hour office number (907) 474-6360,
Hours: 8 a.m.-5 p.m., Mon.-Fri.
Phone: 474- 7043
Off campus
91ֱNative Women Coalition
Phone: 907-378-0363
Phone: 907-452-4357
Text "4help" to 839863
Crisis Line for Domestic Violence and Rape
Phone: 907-452-2293
Fairbanks Community Behavioral Health Emergency
Phone: 907- 452-1575
Phone: 907-458-5555
Fairbanks Regional Public Health Center
Phone: 907-452-1776
Phone: 907-452-2293
Phone: 907-458-5221
Phone: 907-452-8215
Fairbanks military centers
Phone: 907-377-7272
Phone: 907-873-3284
Phone: 907-353-7272
Jessica Lawmaster
3776 Lake Street, Suite 100
91ֱr, AK 99603
Office: 907-235-7712
Crisis: 800-478-7712 / 907-235-8943
South Peninsula Hospital
4300 Bartlett St.
91ֱr, AK
On-Campus Resources
Lower Level Mourant Building
11120 Glacier Hwy.
Juneau, AK 99801
Lower Level Mourant Building
11120 Glacier Hwy.
Juneau, AK 99801
Off-campus Resources
AWARE — Aiding Women in Abuse and Rape Emergencies
Saralyn Tabachnick
P.O. Box 20809
Juneau, AK 99802
Office: 907-586-6623
Crisis: 800-478-1090 / 907-586-1090
Bartlett Regional Hospital
3260 Hospital Drive
Southeast 91ֱRegional Health Consortium
1200 Salmon Creek Lane
Juneau, AK 99801
Lower Level Mourant Building
11120 Glacier Hwy.
Juneau, AK 99801
PeaceHealth Ketchikan Medical Center
3100 Tongass Ave.
Beth Bogarde
P.O. Box 6552
Ketchikan, AK 99901
Office: 907-225-9474
Crisis: 800-478-9474 / 907-225-9474
Cheri Smith
325 S. Spruce St.
Kenai, AK 99611
Office: 907-283-9479
Crisis: 907-283-7257
Bettina Kipp, Counseling and Advising Department chair
Office: 907-262-0334
Christina Stuive, assistant professor of counseling
Office: 907-262-0335
Central Peninsula Hospital
130 S. Willow St, Kenai
Rebecca Shields
P.O. Box 2122
Kodiak, AK 99615
Office: 907-486-6171
Crisis: 907-486-3625
Office: 907-481-2400
Crisis: 877-266-4657
P.O. Box 38
Kotzebue, AK 99752
Office: 907-442-3724
Crisis: 907-442-3969
Violet Charles
P.O. Box 1596
Nome, AK 99762
Office: 907-443-5491
Crisis: 800-570-5444 / 907-443-5444
1825 Chugach St.
Palmer, AK 99645
Phone: 907-746-4080
Crisis: (toll free) 1-866-746-4080; (local) 907-746-4080
Mat-Su Regional Medical Center
2500 Woodworth Loop, Palmer
Mat‐Su Forensic Nursing
24 Hour: 907-‐707‐3663
Office: 907-861-6258
Dawn McDevitt, DVSA coordinator
302 Railway Avenue
Seward, AK 99664
Office: 907-224-5257
Crisis: 907-224-3027
Toll-free: 1-888-224-5257
Lower Level Mourant Building
11120 Glacier Hwy.
Juneau, AK 99801
Mt. Edgecumbe Hospital/SEARHC
222 Tongass Drive
Sitka Community Hospital
209 Moller Ave, Sitka
Vicki D’Amico
P.O. Box 6136
Sitka, AK 99835
Office: 907-747-3370
Crisis: 800-478-6511 / 907-747-3370
Bettina Kipp, Counseling and Advising Department chair
Office: 907-262-0334
Christina Stuive, assistant professor of counseling
Office: 907-262-0335
Central Peninsula Hospital
130 S. Willow St, Kenai
M. Lynn Crane
P.O. Box 36
Unalaska, AK 99685
Office: 907-581-1500
Crisis: 800-478-7238 / 907-581-1500
Rowena Palomar
P.O. Box 524
Valdez, AK 99686
Office: 907-835-2980
Crisis: 800-835-4044 / 907-835-2999
Mat-Su Regional Medical Center
2500 Woodworth Loop, Palmer
UA Confidential Hotline
Individuals may also anonymously disclose sexual misconduct through the UA system
confidential hotline. This tool can be accessed on-line at .
If you want to disclose via phone, dial toll-free within the United States, Guam,
Puerto Rico and Canada: 855-251-5719.
The 91ֱ is committed to an environment where open, honest communications are the expectation, not the exception. We want you to feel comfortable in approaching your supervisor or management in instances where you believe violations of policies or standards have occurred.
In situations where you prefer to place an anonymous report in confidence, you are encouraged to use this hotline, hosted by a third party hotline provider, EthicsPoint. You are encouraged to submit reports relating to Board of Regents policies, university regulations or procedures, any applicable federal, state, borough, or city violations, and any other regulations that may apply to University programs.
The University prohibits retaliation or reprisal for making a report in good faith. The University expects that reports made through the hotline will be made in a good faith effort to address legitimate issues needing corrective action.
The information you provide will be sent to us by EthicsPoint on a totally confidential and anonymous basis if you should choose.
You have our guarantee that your concerns will be heard. However, please know that the hotline may not resolve all issues. Individual reports may require resolution through formal dispute mechanisms, and the timelines for these formal processes must be followed.
Police Disclosure
A complainant can report the incident to the police.
*Campus police are required to report the incident to the Title IX office.
University Police Department*
Eugene Short Hall
911 or 907-786-1120
Anchorage Police Department
4501 Elmore Rd.
911 or 907-786-8500
Cordova Police Department
610 Railroad Ave
911 or 907-424-6100
UAF Police Department*
Whitaker Building
612 Yukon Dr
Fairbanks Police Department
911 Cushman St.
911 or 907-450-6500
91ֱState Troopers
911 or 907-822-3263
91ֱr Police Department
4060 Heath St.
911 or 907-235-3150
Juneau Police Department
6255 Alaway Ave.
Kenai Police Department
107 S. Willow St.
911 or 907-283-7879
Ketchikan Police Department
361 Main St.
Kodiak Police Department
2160 Mill Bay Rd.
911 or 907‐486-8000
Palmer Police Department
423 S. Valley Way
911 or 907-745-4811
Sitka Police Department
304 Lake St. #102
Soldotna Police Department
177 N. Birch St.
Valdez Police Department
212 Chenega
911 or 907-835-4560
No Disclosure
It is not unusual for an individual to keep silent about a sexual harassment and assault before disclosing. Some choose to never disclose. They always have that right.